Recently launched on the market, GOM DESIGN is a female entrepreneur project led by a longtime yoga and meditation practitioner, dedicated to other practitioners, beginners or advanced.

GOM DESIGN is an ethical, vegan, earth-friendly brand based in Romania. We offer yoga and meditation essentials for conscious practitioners who deeply care about their ecologic imprint.

Our accessories are created to support, inspire and help establishing yoga and meditation practices regularly in everyday life. Our designs are durable, responsibly produced and the materials used are free of any animal origin.


“GOM DESIGN was born out of my own yoga and meditation practices that have been a daily part of my life since 2008.”

“At University, I studied Graphic Design, but after a few years, I decided to quit a career in the world of advertising because it became increasingly distant from the values that consolidated within me over the years: the desire to live closer to nature, in harmony with our wonderful planet and to be at the service of humanity.

Inspired by yoga and meditation as an art of living and particularly by my journey as a practitioner and teacher, my intention with GOM DESIGN is to combine a mindset driven by deep values and meaningful purpose with a passion for design and leading an ethical business. GOM DESIGN is the attempt to intertwine the values and principles of yoga and meditation, social and animal justice and a deep calling to serve something meaningful and impactful, while at the same time running a business that is aligned with the natural cycles of nature and in deep respect for the planet and all its inhabitants.”

Responsible Production

Quality Over Quantity

“Based on long experience, I know that sitting upright and still for long periods of time is not an easy task. GOM DESIGN was created to bring maximum comfort and beauty to your yoga and meditation practices. All accessories may not necessarily facilitate inner processes – because the results always depend on the practitioner’s effort – but they will certainly help to create a peaceful and beautiful environment, more conducive to the success and reach of your goals in your daily practices.”

With Love,